Glenn Esterson The MHP Expert
    Skip to content Conversational AI Agents Call history Phone Numbers Back to ElevenLabs Audio Tools Notifications Jason Sirotin Jason Sirotin Workspace 1c9126818d60429f9dd162dec41b0c17 ElevenLabs_2025-01-26T15:19:58_The MHP Expert_ivc_s50_sb75_se0_b.mp3 Created 1 second ago 0:00 0:00 AI Agents Playground Glenn Esterson Mizu Skur - WatershedGeo - Director of Marketing Efficiency Montlick Max Aaron Intelligence Report Andy Warthog Glenn Esterson Glenn Esterson Public E2GYbDX5KuTVTw9WSdQR Test AI agent Agent Voice Analysis Security Advanced Widget Embed code Add the following snippet to the pages where you want the conversation widget to be. 1 Feedback collection Callers will be able to provide feedback continuously during the conversation and after it ends. Information about which agent response caused the feedback will be collected. During conversation During conversation Appearance Customize the colors and shape of the widget to best fit your website. Variant Compact Full Expand Background color #ff523e Text color #000000 Button color #000000 Button text color #ffffff Border color #e1e1e1 Focus outline color #000000 Card radius 20 Button radius 32 Avatar Configure the voice orb or provide your own avatar. Orb Link Image Click or drag a file to upload Recommended resolution: 172 × 172 pixels. Maximum size: 2MB. Text contents Modify the text displayed in the widget. Start call button Have A Voice Conversation With Glenn End call button End Call to action Need help? Listening status Listening Speaking status Talk to interrupt Terms and conditions Require the caller to accept your terms and conditions before initiating a call. Terms content #### Terms and conditions By clicking "Agree," and each time I interact with this AI agent, I consent to the recording, storage, and sharing of my communications with third-party service providers, and as described in the Privacy Policy. If you do not wish to have your conversations recorded, please refrain from using this service. You can use Markdown to format the text. Local storage key e.g. terms_accepted When defined, the widget will store the acceptance status in the local storage under this key. The user will not be prompted to accept the terms again if the key is present. Enable language selection Display a language selection dropdown in the widget and on the sharable page. Shareable Page Configure the page shown when people visit your shareable link. Description Chat with AI Powered by ElevenLabs Conversational AI Need help? Have A Voice Conversation With Glenn Disconnected AI Voice Generator & Text to Speech | ElevenLabs